Top Quality Silica Brick

Product introduction of silica brick

Silica bricks are acid refractory, having a silica content exceeding 94% and a real density of 2,38 g/cm3. Acid resistant dross erosion property, high temperature high intensity, HeChong soften begins at temperature 1620~16.7℃, at high temperatures prolonged use without deformation. Over 600℃ type without amorphous in general. A small temperature expansion factor. Increased resistance to thermal shocks.

Features of silica brick

Silica bricks are characterized by high purity, high strength, abrasion resistance and compactness, but also by high thermal stability, volume stability and low sliding properties.


Silica bricks are mainly used for coking cells and hoppers of coking plants' combustion chambers, storage and storage chambers of martin furnaces for steel production, bell furnaces, refractories of furnaces for glass production and ceramics manufacture. Also for high temperature bearing sites and for gas martin ovens chimneys.

Silica BrickGZ-95GZ-94GZ-93
Refractoriness, ℃171017101690
Apparent Porosity, %≤22≤23≤25
Bulk Density, g/cm3≥1.8≥1.8≥1.8
True Density, g/cm3≤2.34≤2.34≤2.34
Cold Crushing Strength, Mpa≥35≥35≥35
0.2Mpa Refractoriness Under Load T0.6, ℃≥1650≥1640≥1620
20-1000 ℃ Thermal Expansion, %
Thermal Conductivity at 1000 ℃ , W/m.K1.441.441.44