Safe operation technology of baking refractory brick for coke oven

The oven drying operation after the coke oven is built with refractory bricks is a complex thermal work before the coke oven starts production. In the oven drying process, in addition to the technical operation regulations, the safety operation regulations should also be strictly implemented.

Safe operation technology of oven drying after refractory brick masonry for coke oven

1、 Precautions for safe operation of drying furnace with solid fuel

(1) During oven drying, irrelevant personnel are not allowed to enter the furnace platform and flue corridor at will.

(2) Generally, hot work and smoking are not allowed in the oven shed.

(3) The canopy on both sides of the machine and coke oven shall not be too close or too low from the small stove.

(4) The staff on the top of the coke oven and the operation platforms on both sides of the machine and coke are prohibited to throw bricks, ironware, tools and other items down at will.

(5) When the lifting operation is carried out above, the workers are not allowed to walk below.

(6) All personnel participating in construction and oven drying must wear labor protection articles.

(7) When walking on the furnace top, do not step on the coal loading hole cover.

(8) The coal yard and ash yard shall be separated by a certain distance and shall not be mixed together.

(9) The coal yard and ash yard shall have good lighting facilities.

(10) The drainage facilities of coal yard and ash yard shall be good, and the transportation road shall be flat and smooth.

(11) The hot ash transported from the furnace platform to the ash yard shall be extinguished in time.

(12) No one is allowed to get close to the belt conveyor and take the belt conveyor.

(13) Do not damage the sealing wall and fire bed with tools or other instruments.

(14) When adding fuel to the small stove, the fireman shall be careful not to damage the retaining brick.

(15) The cleared ash shall not be placed near the furnace column or thrown under the console, but shall be transported to the designated place.

(16) Wear asbestos gloves when taking temperature measurement or sampling and pulling out the pipe to prevent the body from being scalded by the high-temperature iron pipe.

(17) Prevent sundries such as ash from falling into the vertical fire path during temperature measurement.

(18) When opening the fire hole cover, stand on the windward side to prevent hot air from burning the face.

(19) The safety fire hook shall be used when opening the fire hole cover for temperature measurement, and other unsafe tools shall not be used to prevent metal sundries from falling into the vertical fire duct.

(20) When using thermocouple for temperature measurement, the tightness of casing screw thread shall be frequently checked to prevent it from falling into the vertical fire duct.

(21) when the hot tile repairer works at all parts, he shall pay attention to prevent the fire-resistant mud from splashing into his eyes.

(22) when brushing the sealing wall of the carbonization chamber or the sealing wall of the regenerator, the safety ladder shall be used for operation. It is forbidden to step on the small stove of the oven or the exchange shutter.

(23) all kinds of operation tools of various types of work shall be placed neatly, and it is strictly prohibited to touch the exposed wire during operation.

2、 Precautions for safe operation of drying furnace with gas fuel

(1) The gas pipeline and its accessories shall be inspected and accepted according to the technical conditions for installation and pressure test of pipelines and accessories for coke oven heating, so as to ensure the tightness of the pipeline system.

(2) Before the ignition of the oven, the gas explosion test shall be conducted, and the gas can be sent to the oven for ignition only after it is qualified.

(3) After the start of oven drying, when the suction of sub flue is less than 30Pa, it shall be adjusted immediately.

(4) When the gas pipeline pressure on both sides of the machine and coke is less than 500pa, the small branch pipe cock of each stove shall be turned down. When this measure is taken and the gas pressure continues to drop, the heating can be stopped.

(5) During oven drying, after changing the large and small orifice plates of gas, a torch test shall be conducted to check their tightness.

(6) Before each ignition, prepare the torch, ignite the torch in advance, put it in front of the gas outlet, and then open the gas cock.

(7) When the flame of the small oven is sprayed out, the reason shall be found in time, and the heating shall be stopped if necessary.

(8) When the measuring instrument conduit and rubber hose are found to fall off, the gas shutter shall be closed immediately for repair.

(9) When the gas oven is used, the condensate shall be discharged regularly.

(10) A certain number of gas masks should be prepared. Oven drying personnel at all levels should understand the use of gas masks and be able to operate them skillfully.

(11) If the operator has poisoning symptoms such as headache and nausea, he should go to a place with fresh air immediately and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

(12) When dealing with the failure of gas equipment or replacing parts, such as replacing orifice plate and cock, more than two personnel must be present during torch test.

(13) When the whole boiler is stopped and ignited, the installation and other operations near the stove or gas pipeline shall be stopped.

(14) Formulate safety technical regulations according to work characteristics and post conditions.

(15) When cleaning the gas pipeline, steam shall be used for purging first to discharge the remaining gas from the discharge pipe, and other sundries can be discharged from the condensate discharge pipe. When delivering gas, steam must be introduced first, and then dispersed at the discharge pipe, and then the steam must be driven away with gas.

(16) When working in the gas area, the safety regulations for gas operation shall be strictly implemented.

3、 Precautions for safe operation of drying furnace with liquid fuel!

(1) After installation, the oil tank shall be subject to water filling or air filling test, and the pressure filling test shall be carried out as required. During the hydraulic test, it is generally qualified if there is no leakage 20 minutes after water filling.

(2) The test run of the oil pump is qualified, the leakage rate is qualified, and the pressure gauge and grounding wire shall be complete and easy to use.

(3) The test pressure of oil pipe is generally 1 25 ~ 1.5 times.

(4) The oil pipe shall keep a certain distance from high-voltage wires, flammable and explosive pipelines and high-temperature places.

(5) When the oil pump operates normally, the oil tank shall be prevented from being evacuated.

(6) The quality of combustion oil shall meet the requirements, especially the water and impurities contained shall meet the standards. Too much water will easily interrupt the combustion flame and even cause explosion; If there are too many impurities, it is easy to block the nozzle.

(7) When preheating the oil, the temperature should not be too high, generally not more than 90 ℃, and the boiling phenomenon should be strictly prevented.

(8) Proper air oil ratio shall be selected to ensure complete combustion. 6q9F! u8v&E2w

(9) In case of accidents of fuel equipment, such as oil tank roof falling and oil leakage at pipelines and flanges, it shall be handled in time.)

(10) The oil storage tank shall not be too full. The oil storage tank shall be well grounded. Generally, the grounding resistance shall not be greater than 5 ~ 10 Ω.

(11) Pay attention to the anti freezing and anti condensation work of pipelines and valves in winter. When freezing occurs, it is forbidden to use open fire for treatment, and only steam or other safety measures can be used for treatment.

(12) When open fire operation is to be carried out on fuel equipment and pipelines, fire procedures shall be strictly implemented, and corresponding safety measures shall be taken at the same time, such as steam purging, cold water flushing, ventilation, covering with fireproof materials, etc. After confirming that there is no danger of combustion and explosion, hot work can be carried out, and special personnel must be assigned to watch during hot work.