High Performance Mullite Insulation Brick JM28

Product introduction of mullite insulation brick JM28

Mullite insulating bricks are high alumina refractories with mullite as the main crystal phase. Generally, the alumina content is between 65% and 75%. In addition to mullite, minerals with lower alumina content also contain a small amount of glass phase and cristobalite, while those with higher alumina content also contain a small amount of corundum.

Advantages of mullite insulation bricks:

  1. Low thermal conductivity, good thermal insulation effect
  2. Mullite insulating bricks are low heat melting. Due to low thermal conductivity, mullite series lightweight insulating bricks store little heat energy, which has obvious energy-saving effect in intermittent operation
  3. Low impurity content, with very low content of iron box alkali metal and other oxides, so the fire resistance is high; The high aluminum content makes it maintain good performance in reducing atmosphere
  4. The mullite insulating brick has high thermal compressive strength
  5. The appearance size is accurate, the masonry speed is accelerated, the use of refractory mud is reduced, and the strength and stability of masonry are ensured, thus extending the service life of the lining
  6. Mullite insulating bricks can be processed into special shapes. To reduce the number of bricks and joints.

Parameters of mullite insulation bricks JM28:

Volume DensityReheating Linear Change
Cold Crushing StrengthModulus of ruptureThermal ConductivityAl2O3SiO2Fe2O3

Application of mullite insulation bricks:

Mullite insulating bricks can be directly used for the lining of high-temperature kilns, and are now widely used for the lining of shuttle kilns, roller kilns, glass kilns and petrochemical kilns