Energy saving and environmental protection technology for thermal kilns, boilers and high temperature equipment

With the development of the integration of global economy, resources and environment, China's industrial furnace technology and equipment are facing great challenges. Energy conservation and emission reduction are imperative. Therefore, the development of industrial kilns must follow the sustainable development path of high technology, less investment, energy conservation and environmental protection.

The following is the introduction of energy-saving and consumption reduction technology of industrial thermal furnace, boiler and other equipment collected by Kerui refractory manufacturer.

  1. The main trends of energy-saving technology can be summarized as follows:

(1) Fuel saving:

1) Reasonably organize the gas-liquid fuel of industrial kiln;

2) Make rational use of the large amount of natural gas transported by the west to east gas transmission project to the eastern and central regions;

3) Vigorously develop hydropower resources and effectively optimize the energy structure;

4) Vigorously implement clean coal technology, in which coal gasification is the core technology of clean coal combustion.

(2) Technical energy saving:

1) Select appropriate furnace structure to improve the degree of mechanization;

2) Continuously improve fuel combustion;

3) New lining materials and optimized furnace structure;

4) Apply high-efficiency waste heat recovery technology and device.

(3) Energy saving:

We should grasp the principle of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure with both hands. According to China's energy situation, energy saving of industrial kilns is imperative.

(4) Environmental protection and energy saving:

1) Adjust the fuel structure, try to use natural gas, oil or coal to gas as fuel, or choose clean combustion technology of all kinds of coal;

2) Adopt advanced combustion technology to reduce NOx generation;

3) Save energy, reduce fuel consumption and reduce fuel consumption of industrial kilns.

  1. Main general energy-saving technologies of industrial kilns:

(1) Improvement of combustion rate:

Improving the combustion efficiency of industrial kilns and making effective use of the energy of fuel itself is one of the main directions of energy saving of industrial kilns. The measures to improve the combustion efficiency of kiln mainly include: adopting the combustion mode of low air coefficient, oxygen enriched combustion and increasing the temperature of combustion supporting air.

In industrial kilns, nearly 50% ~ 70% of the heat is directly discharged into the atmosphere in the form of high-temperature flue gas. Using this part of heat to heat the combustion air is the simplest and most effective way to improve the thermal efficiency of the kiln. Raising the temperature of the combustion air as much as possible is one of the main measures for energy saving of industrial kiln.

(2) Reduce heat loss:

1) Heat loss of furnace body:

The heat loss of industrial kiln body is another main heat loss besides the smoke exhaust loss. Strengthening the thermal insulation of industrial kiln is a very effective energy-saving method.

In order to reduce the heat loss of the furnace body, thermal insulation materials with good thermal insulation performance such as lightweight thermal insulation and refractory fiber can be used. In addition, reducing the surface area of the kiln is also one of the effective ways to reduce the heat loss of the heating furnace.

2) Heat loss of water cooling parts:

In order to reduce the heat loss of water-cooled parts, in addition to reducing the heat loss by using less or no water-cooled parts. Heat insulation shall be carried out for the water-cooled parts in the furnace that must be set, or vaporization cooling shall be used to recover the heat loss of the water-cooled parts, so as to obtain the steam that can be used and save the water source.

(3) High radiation ceramic coating:

Under the high temperature condition in the kiln, radiation is the main way of heat transfer. Therefore, taking effective measures to strengthen the radiation heat transfer of kiln is one of the important ways to improve the thermal efficiency of kiln. High temperature radiation ceramic coating can increase the emissivity of furnace wall from 0.3 ~ 0.5 to 0.9 ~ 0.95 without changing the kiln structure. Therefore, painting high radiation ceramic coating in the industrial kiln and on the outer surface of the heating pipe can strengthen the radiation heat transfer in the kiln. It is a new energy-saving technology for industrial kiln with less investment, quick effect and simple construction.

(4) Adopt advanced furnace type and process:

With the continuous progress of science and technology and the needs of energy conservation and emission reduction, the industrial kiln industry has developed many advanced furnace types and advanced processes. Among them, the most representative are dry coke quenching process, open flame naked combustion method and low-temperature fast combustion technology.